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Blue sky, white drone in flight



Octa enables effective UAS detection and monitoring at scale. Using advanced Machine Learning techniques, the system ingests the sensed track data (e.g. from radar) of airborne objects and fuses it with other sources to classify them and provide enhanced situational awareness, including future flight path prediction and intent analysis.

Capability details

Octa is a complementary system, enhancing and adding capability to existing tools (e.g. micro-Doppler radar, camera or RF-based identification).

Its flexible software architecture allows it to be deployed in a range of configurations, from a lightweight integration with a single sensor through to large multi-sensor architectures as a component within command and control systems.

Command and control unit
Octa product logo

Our technology

Octa is being developed for deployment at London Heathrow Airport under Project HADO®, part of Innovate UK’s Future Flight Challenge, in a consortium led by OSL. Through this project, Octa is supporting the safe and secure operation of autonomous UAS at Heathrow.

Key Benefits


Maximise existing sensor capabilities with this complementary system

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Minimise strain on operators by alerting them only when action is required


Grow with sensor installations, regardless of scale

Our clients and partners

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Drone in flight

Get in touch

To find out more about Dynamic Intelligence Solutions, our expertise or our products, please get in touch by filling in the form or by sending us an email.

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